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英文视角——Ariana Grande(爱莉安娜·格兰德):从默默无闻到流行巨星

时间:2021-12-22    作者:谢雨欣    阅读:

The fascinating voice, sweet appearance, coupled with the iconic high ponytail make us think of a person, and she is the new generation of American female singer Ariana Grande.


Ariana Grande was born on June 26, 1993 in Florida, USA. Ariana, who has loved music since childhood, performed in the children’s theater. She started to participate in some performances as early as 4 years old. Her official debut was in 2008. The 15-year-old Ariana perfected her performance in the Old Parkway musical "13". Interpreted the role of "Charlotte", which attracted people's attention and won the National Youth Theatre Association Award for it. Later, by chance, Ariana covered the single of Mariah Carey, and quickly became popular. From then on, she was determined to be a good singer and released her first solo album "Yours Truly" in 2013. In the first week of the album's release, she won the Billboard Album Chart No. 1 and also won the 41st National Music Awards "Most of the Year" in the same year. Good newcomer". After receiving such an honor, she did not slack off, and released one album after another every year and achieved countless achievements. Therefore, she was called a "model worker" by fans. After Ariana released these albums, everyone's impression of her has changed from the original "American Sweetheart" to a powerful female singer with super popularity now.

爱莉安娜·格兰德,1993年6月26日出生于美国佛罗里达。从小就喜欢音乐的爱莉安娜小时候在儿童剧院演出,早在4岁就开始参加了一些表演,她在2008年正式出道,15岁的爱莉安娜在老百汇音乐剧《13》中通过精湛的演技完美诠释了“夏洛特”一角,受到了人们的关注,还因此获得国家青年剧院协会奖。后来一次偶然的机会,爱莉安娜翻唱了玛丽亚·凯莉的单曲并迅速走红。从此她下定决心要当一个好歌手并在2013年发布首张个人专辑《Yours Truly》,专辑发布的首周,就获得了公告牌专辑榜榜首 ,同年还获得第41届全美音乐奖“年度最佳新人”。而在获得了这样的荣誉之后,她并没有懈怠,在随后的每年发布了一张又一张专辑并取得了无数成就,也因此被粉丝称为“劳模”。在爱莉安娜发布了这些专辑后,大家对她的印象也从原来的“美国甜心”转变为现在拥有超高人气的实力女歌手。

As a representative of the strength of the new generation, few people would question Ariana's singing skills. Her range spans four octaves and one more note. Few singers can compare with her. What's more shocking is that, according to Ariana herself, she has almost never taken a vocal music class, nor has she systematically participated in any vocal training. Therefore, her ultra-wide range and bright, warm tone are entirely the product of talent. This also allows her to perfectly control the high notes that others can only sing in the studio. In terms of song creation, with continuous training, she has become more and more involved in song creation. Starting from the third and fourth albums, most of her are the number one in songwriting, and the sixth album is the number one. Is personally responsible for the production of some of the songs. And it is precisely in this way that Ariana's talent and hard work have made her a role model for the super-new generation of mainstream pop singers.

作为新生代实力的代表,很少有人会质疑爱莉安娜的唱功,她的音域横跨四个八度多一个音符,很少有歌手能与她相比。 而更令人震惊的是,据爱莉安娜自己所说她几乎从未上过声乐课,也没有系统的参加过任何声乐的训练。因此她超宽的音域和明亮、温暖的音色完全是天赋的产物。这也使得哪怕是他人只有在录音室才敢唱的高音她也能在现场完美驾驭。而在歌曲创作方面,随着不断的磨练,她在歌曲创作上的参与度也越来越高,从三四专开始,绝大多数她都是写歌的第一顺位,六专更是亲力亲为担任部分歌曲的制作。而正是这样,爱莉安娜的天赋和努力让她成为超新生代主流流行歌手的榜样。

In addition to the moving songs, what fans love is the warmth she brings. When Ariana's career was in full swing, she suffered the biggest blow in her career. At a concert in Manchester, England, a terrorist attack occurred, causing 22 people to be killed and hundreds of people injured. After the incident, Ariana broke down and cried and felt very self-blame. Later, in order to express her apology, she announced that she would be responsible for the funeral expenses of all the victims. She also returned to the place where the terrorist attack took place and held a charity concert to raise funds for the victims, raising a total of Two million dollars. She also said: "We will not back down because of fear, we will not let fear dominate us, and hatred will not be overcome!" In last year's Grammy, Everyone thoughts she would win the prize, so God made a joke. After the show, it ended in five nominations. When Billie Eilish came to the stage to accept the award and said Ariana was more worthy of the award, Ariana in the audience said to her: "Take your moment, girl." There is a lot of energy in the small body. It is this kind of her that warms every fan.

除了动人的歌曲外,令粉丝们喜爱的还有她本人所带来的温暖。 在爱莉安娜事业如日中天的时候,遭受了职业生涯里最大的一次打击 ,在英国曼彻斯特的一场演唱会,发生了一次恐怖袭击事件,造成了22人遇难,上百人受伤的惨案。事发后,爱莉安娜一度崩溃痛哭感到非常自责,后来为了表达自己的歉意更是宣布将会负责全数受难者的丧葬费用。她还重新回到恐袭事发地举行慈善演唱会替受难者募款,共筹得款项达200万美元。她还说:“我们不会因为害怕退缩,不会让恐惧支配我们,不会让仇恨战胜!”在去年的格莱美中,本以为会获奖的她,让老天开了个玩笑,全场下来,最终以五次提名告终。在碧梨上台领奖认为她更值得获奖时,台下的爱莉安娜对她说:“Take your moment ,girl . ”小小的个子里却蕴藏着大大的能量。正是这样的她,温暖了每一个歌迷。

Transformed from obscurity to a pop star, Ariana's efforts have not only achieved herself, but also turned into a beacon to guide the lost people to move on.



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