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Writing a letter

时间:2019-09-23    作者:    阅读:

Writing a letter to a friend
1. 本文需按照书信格式进行书写;
2. 正文由三部分组成:问题、原因和建议;
3. 行文时要找准问题所在,客观分析原因,提出中肯建议;同时,语气切忌强势。
1. Many Chinese students abroad say it’s difficult to talk with the natives. Many foreign students in China also have difficulty in that.    (转换表达以增加连贯性)
Many Chinese students abroad have _____ in talking / find it difficult to talk with the natives. The same is _____ of foreign students in China.
2. They are unable to share a topic with the natives. They don’t know how to fit in. Let’s find the possible reason first.    (转换表达以便语言更地道、词义更丰富、承接更顺畅)
They don’t have much in _____ with the natives. So they _____ how to fit in. Let’s find the possible reason first.
3. They don’t know about foreign cultures.  (添加结果以增加逻辑性和说服力)
_____ of knowledge about foreign cultures may _____ you the chance to communicate with the natives.
4. It will destroy the relationships.                 (使用否定词以加强语气)
It’s of no _____ to friendly relationships.
5.  You had better learn more about foreign cultures.
You can _____ yourself to foreign cultures. It will _____ your understanding of how differently people live.  
6. Respect each other.                            (添加原因以增加说服力)
Respect each other, for that’s the best _____ for good communication.
7. You should listen to others.                     (转换表达使语言多样化)
Practice _____ listening. / Be a good _____. / Listen _____ than you talk. / Talk _____ and listen more.
Dear friends,
As exchange students, some of you find you don’t have much in common with the natives. So, many students wonder how to fit in. Let’s find the possible reason first.
Obviously, lack of knowledge about foreign cultures may cost you the chance to communicate with the natives. Sometimes, we tend to judge others based on our own experiences and cultural standards, causing misunderstanding. It’s of no benefit to friendly relationships. So the following tips may help.
First, you can expose yourselves to that foreign culture. It will deepen your understanding of how differently people live. Second, respect each other, for that’s the best policy for good communication. Then, start with small talk and it will allow you to get close to local people easily. Last but not least, listen more than you talk.
I hope the advice can help you a lot and wish you a better life abroad.
    Yours faithfully,
1. 分析Lily依赖网络友谊的原因及可能出现的危害;
2. 提供在现实中交友的建议。
1. difficulty; true 2. common; wonder 3. Lack; cost
4. benefit / use / help
5. expose; broaden / deepen / improve / increase
6. policy 7. active; listener; more; less
Dear Lily,
Since you talked about the difficulty in making real friends, I hope the following tips may help.
Admittedly, virtual friends can satisfy your need to some degree. You can open your heart to them without feeling embarrassed as the Internet serves as the invisible wall in between. Also, online friends can provide you with comfort whenever difficulty comes your way. However, heavy reliance on virtual friends may cost you true friendship and even bring about emotional isolation. Furthermore, many criminals use virtual friendship as a tool.
So, it is highly necessary to adjust yourself to the real world. First, take the initiative to communicate with your classmates face to face. The more you do, the more willing they will be to contact you and help you. Also, join in group activities. You can impress others by your intelligence and warmth and improve your confidence meanwhile.
Best wishes to you.

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