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23 、社会Society

时间:2021-06-24    作者:    阅读:

23 、社会Society




Dear Bruce,


I'm glad to hear from you. It's true that people in my hometown have become richer than ever before through the development of modern agriculture and I'd like to share their recipe with you.


To be honest, my hometown used to be very poor. In response to the government's policy to enrich people, we have grown organic vegetables and fruit, which are sold throughout our country with the help of the Internet. Actually, what benefits us most is the ecotourism that we have developed to attract visitors to experience the joy of the harvest. Additionally, we also raise fish, goats, pigs and cattle with vegetables, whose meat is more delicious and better sold than those fed with fodder.

Looking forward to your coming one day.


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua







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